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Albert Einstein's human design profile and Neutrino Weather & reflections of the week

Discover how the sun's journey through the gate of Innocence can illuminate your path to self-discovery and growth. An invitation to join me live next Thursday on Zoom and look at your design.

Reflection of the week… The sun is entering the gate of Universal Love!

Between Monday and Tuesday, the sun is entering the gate of Innocence – The gate of the spirit of the self. This energetic outlet of the G Centre imbues us with a unique spirit and an intrinsic innocence, an awe and wonder. 

The hexagram shows us how coming to the perfection of action, of being, is a life-long journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It points us to learning to act without a specific motive, being centred in the present moment, and dedicated to the here and now. This implies cultivating a state of innocent action, detached from the desire for specific outcomes, and maintaining it regardless of the circumstances. Innocent action does not mean that things will necessarily turn out positively. It is about the purity and authenticity of the action itself. There may be times when this innocence saps our vitality and then we are faced with the need for self-awareness and the ability to come back to ourselves for healing. 

Due to our mental approach of the G Centre, we lose connection with being a unique expression of Love, undivided from Existence. Instead, we come to feel like independent operatives, separate from the interconnected web of Existence. This estranged sense of self imbues the mind with a self-image to which it clings. The Buddha emphasized the absence of an individual self. Instead, there is ‘isness’ or ‘GOD’ as the ancient Hebrews called it, standing for “that (G) which (O) is (D).” 

As children, when we are not allowed to be ourselves, we soon lose contact with our ‘isness’, our natural state. We lose contact with our uncontrived and spontaneous nature. This loss leads to the creation of a personality that either conforms or rebels as a form of self-protection. We create masks as a response to the suffering and pain from losing contact with our inner essence. They serve as protective layers to navigate societal expectations. 

Clarity Through Design - You are invited to gain insights on any situation you might have through my reflections on it based on your Human Design chart - next Thursday, 21 March from 18:00 CET

Check all the details and sign-up here

The mind interferes with the ‘isness’ or perfection of being by disrupting the spontaneity and uncontrived nature of our life spark. Its disempowered melancholic stance revolves around a feeling of insignificance that makes the mind oscillate between an unwillingness and an inability to own the wound of Self. Both stances contribute to a form of blindness in Love. 

The blindness of love, created by the mind, can transform into acceptance when we become aware of our constructs of self in the face of love. When we see and become aware of something, we are no longer identified with it. This allows for a shift in perspective. Here, it can allow us to come in contact again with the childlike nature of our innocence. 

Osho reminds us of one of the most significant statements from Buddha that says:

“Look into your heart, follow your nature.” He comments on it saying: “He is giving you courage, encouragement, to follow your own nature. He wants you to be brave enough to listen to your own heart and go accordingly. ‘Follow your nature’ means flow with yourself. You are the scripture… and hidden deep down within you is a still, small voice. If you become silent you will be guided from there.” 

(Osho, The Dhammapada, Vol1, Ch3)

The small voice he is referring to is the intelligence Human Design encapsulates as ‘strategy and inner authority’ which enables us to align with our innocence. Let’s take advantage of this week’s weather to cultivate the innocence we all are!

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The Neutrino Weather of the week
15-21 March 2024

Frequencies of sadness and melancholy continue imprinting us and bring us a weather ideal to tap into ourselves and the intelligence that resides within. Please join me in our look at this week’s neutrino influences on us… 

A closer look at the design of Albert Einstein

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Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Human Design Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Personal Reflections of Dirk Nellens. This space is dedicated to sharing Human Design insights on our unique way of being, navigating life's energies, and finding harmony in the cosmic dance.