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Unlock the Secrets of Love and Emotions with Human Design

Reflector Reflection of the week: a week for analysis, assessment and re-evaluation.Explore the Transformative Power of Love with Dirk Nellens in a 5-Week Journey Toward Self-Awareness and Fulfillment

Are you ready to explore the profound dynamics of love and emotions through the lens of Human Design? This transformative 5-week course dives deep into the powerful energy forces that shape our relationships, emotions, and inner experiences of love.

Discover how love transcends emotion and how Human Design reveals your unique path to connection, fulfillment, and self-love. Whether you want to deepen your current relationships or understand the root of your emotional patterns, this course will unlock new dimensions of love in your life.

Join us to learn how love is truly a reflection of your deepest self.

Love and Emotions Through Human Design:
A 5-Week Journey into the Heart of Connection with Dirk Nellens

Read all about the course here.

Dates: Tuesdays from 8 October to 5 November 2024 | Time: 18:00 – 20:00 CET

Take 44€ off the price if you are a paid subscriber to my substack, scroll down for info.

The 3rd step in our series of guiding people into Human Design Analysis

This week I’m sharing some reflections with you on the importance of not making a new identification system out of Human Design that is ultimately at service of our neurotic construct. We are not our designs, we are the watchers and that is important to convey to those who come for our services. I’m also reflecting together with you on the nature of our relationships with our clients. Enjoy!

Reflector Reflection of the week: a week for analysis, assessment and re-evaluation.

This week we have Mars standing in an energetic outlet in the Root centre that imbues us with the capacity to search and become aware of our potential for compassion – or ‘Spirit awareness’ as Human Design calls it – towards each other. 

The energy is oriented towards provoking ‘analysis, assessment and re-evaluation.’ It is the necessary fuel to come in touch with inner stillness and the pathway it offers to Spirit consciousness beyond the wave of emotions. 

This energy, being available to all of us this week, highlights the importance of taking time to stand in our vulnerability and feel emotions so that we can transcend their wave-like nature and connect with the higher levels of consciousness and freedom. Our Spirit can be felt, and Osho’s words beautifully encapsulate this: “Feeling one with existence, organically one with existence.” 

Just as the lower frequency of this energy outlet can push us into reaction, the aware frequency uses the same fuel to provoke surrender to life itself and the Spirit of Freedom with which it is imbued and that we can realize as the choiceless consciousness we are.

Want to know more? Subscribe now to access - full video + The Neutrino Weather 20 - 27 September.

Feel free to activate a free trial or use your free unlock to see the rest of the video and of this post. With a free trial, you get access to my entire archive for 7 days and get special discounts to my Love and Emotions course announced

For just 80 EUR per year (less than 7 EUR/month with the yearly option), you can access all of my exclusive content, including full-length videos, in-depth insights, and detailed Neutrino Weather updates.
I want to give you a heads-up that I’m considering increasing the subscription price soon. However, if you upgrade now, you will lock in the current price for as long as you decide to be part of the inner circle. This means you’ll continue supporting my work at the same rate and won’t be affected by any future price changes.
This is the perfect time to upgrade and enjoy the benefits of deepening your journey with Human Design while helping me continue to share these teachings.

Work one-on-one with me

A certified Human Design analysis 

A certified Human Design analysis offers a comprehensive introduction to understanding your unique nature by integrating all chart elements into a cohesive narrative. This approach encourages self-discovery and experimentation. With over 20 years of experience and training under Ra Uru Hu, I blend Human Design insights with my background in Social Anthropology, meditation, and psychotherapy.

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Therapeutic/coaching sessions

Human Design is a tool for cultivating self-awareness, offering insights into our unique energetic makeup and innate intelligence. It helps us align with this intelligence by observing our thoughts and detaching from mental conditioning. In my therapeutic and coaching sessions, I guide clients on this journey, using Human Design as a map to overcome obstacles and fully express their potential. Regular sessions are often beneficial as the process requires confidence, trust, and openness.

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Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Human Design Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Personal Reflections of Dirk Nellens. This space is dedicated to sharing Human Design insights on our unique way of being, navigating life's energies, and finding harmony in the cosmic dance.