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Unveiling Elon Musk's Human Design: Genius, Instability, and Revolutionary Impact

The usual Neutrino Weather my reflection for the week + Dive into the fascinating analysis of Elon Musk's Bodygraph and discover how his unique energetic blueprint drives his groundbreaking innovation

This week’s Neutrino Weather (28 June - 4 July)

There is an opportunity in the weather to tune deeper into our bodies and thus come to align deeper to our unique spark of life and get more joy out of being here. Let’s try to tap into it!

Reflector’s Reflection: the intelligence of our bodies is the root of all aware action.

This week Mars stands in gate 2 and this energetic outlet of the G Centre is the seat of what Ra called ‘the Driver’, our Higher Self. It is the ‘feminine’ principle, the form principle, that grounds and shapes the ‘masculine’ principle of light and energy. It is the root, the source of action, with all our actions being rooted in the body’s intelligence. 

The hexagram suggests a learning process related to understanding that every action arises from being receptive to the form. It encourages us to cultivate sensitivity to beauty and naturalness, to trust deeply in the inherent intelligence of the form and to surrender to the uncertainty of where life might lead us. 

When we approach the G Centre mentally, it makes us lose our connection to Being and, as a result, we feel like independent operatives, separate from the interconnectedness of everything and everyone. The mind, driven by the agenda of our self-concept, gets caught in a disempowered stance, longing for things to move faster, in a direction of its own making. It resists receptivity to life’s intelligence that is anchored in our bodies. 

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Human Design is an information field at the service of this receptivity as the root of action. It offers information to help individuals learn to surrender to the intelligence of their unique forms, allowing consciousness to flourish. By aligning with our inherent design, we can move away from mental resistance and embrace the natural flow of life. 

When we learn to observe the mind here, we come to the Druid saying to which Ra often referred: “Stop doing and the doing gets done.” 

This quote emphasizes the importance of surrendering to the intelligence of our bodies. Instead of being mentally driven towards constant action and hurrying through life, there is a recognition that life unfolds according to its own time, requiring a patient and receptive approach. Life is all about ‘wait and see’, as Ra used to say, and it resumes the essence of this energetic outlet in the G Centre. 

Talking about his own experience of life, Osho emphasizes that events in life naturally unfold according to our own nature and are never a matter of choice, which aligns completely with the perspective Human Design offers us: 

I have never repented for a single thing; whatsoever has happened in my life had to happen. It was not a question of my choice; I allowed my nature to have its way. I have just been floating with the river – not even swimming. The question of going against the current does not arise; that’s what creates discomfort and will create paralysis.” 

(Osho, The rebel – pag. 106)

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For those of you who feel drawn to explore the depths of your own Human Design or wish to embark on a journey of self-discovery with Human Design-assisted therapy, I warmly invite you to schedule a reading or a therapy session:

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Read more about Clarity through Design here and sign up here: July 4.

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Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Human Design Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Personal Reflections of Dirk Nellens. This space is dedicated to sharing Human Design insights on our unique way of being, navigating life's energies, and finding harmony in the cosmic dance.