Welcome to Reflector Reflections by Dirk Nellens

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Welcome to "Reflector's Reflections," a space where the intricate dance of cosmic energies meets the introspective journey of the Self through the lens of Human Design. Here, I would love to share my seeing with you. Being a reflector means being oriented towards the imprinting mechanism of life as such. We tend to be interested in broader issues, in larger views, in what makes us humans do the things we do, and I find my surprise in the wonder and uniqueness of Love.

Curated by Dirk Nellens, a devoted explorer and teacher of Human Design, this platform is a testament to the power of reflection and the transformative potential of understanding one's unique energetic blueprint. "Reflector's Reflections" offers a sanctuary for thought, exploration, and the sharing of insights garnered from more than 20 years of exploring my Bodygraph and the teachings of Human Design, psycho-therapy, Osho’s meditations and Social Anthropology.

Join us on this journey of reflections, where each post is an invitation to see the world through a Reflector's eyes.

Check out my upcoming course in Human Design - we start Feb 19th!

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Personal Reflections of Dirk Nellens. This space is dedicated to sharing insights on our unique way of being, navigating life's energies, and finding harmony in the cosmic dance.


I am a Social Anthropologist and Human Design Analyst and teacher. I worked in international cooperation (UN) and entrepreneurship. I love explorations that allow the mind to bow down to the inner freedom and aliveness that we are.