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The Enigmatic Dance of Pluto and Human Design's Genesis

Charlie Chaplin subscribers special & Join me exploring the intriguing movement of Pluto into the 41st gate and delve into the origins of Human Design, featuring a compelling translation of Ra Uru Hu

The Neutrino Weather

This week’s neutrino weather brings forward Pluto’s movement into the 41st gate, the Initiating Codon within our human energetic architecture. We are moving towards new horizons…

Reflection of the week: translation of a Spanish newspaper article from February 19th 2002 interviewing Ra Uru Hu

I’m spending the week in Barcelona with my partner and while hanging around in the coffee bars in the city I got reminded of the widespread ‘tradition’ Catalans have to read the last page of the very popular newspaper “La Vanguardia”. They do so because the last page describes an interesting person that catches the attention. 

I was reminded that the day after I got my first analysis of my Human Design Bodygraph here in Barcelona, Ra appeared on that very last page of La Vanguardia. In memory of those ‘early days’ in Human Design, I’m translating the article for you. 

Here it goes… 

For now, this is the third character that I have news of who has lived up a tree. I fell in love with the first one; of course, he was a fiction: it is “The Baron Rampant”, by Italo Calvino. The second was an environmental activist, and the third is this man who, alienated, left his home in Montreal, went to Ibiza and lived in a tree for a year until a vision revealed to him how we behave and on what basis: Human Design, which draws human archetypes that express the biogenetic patterns stamped inside each cell of our body. Now he has come down from the tree and has created institutes all over the world and lives comfortably from it. Another smoke seller or is there some truth?

Who knows...

“My house was a chair on a tree”

I am 53 years old. I was born in Montreal (Canada) and live in Germany. I am married for the fourth time and have three children. I studied Physics, but I have been many things. I am conservative economically and liberal in life. I consider the universe an organism in formation. I give a seminar on Human Design at the ‘El Coll’ civic centre in Barcelona.

Since when is your name Ra? 

– I was born with the name Robert Alen. But in 1983 I disappeared

What do you mean ‘you disappeared?’

– Yes, one day, without talking to anyone, without packing my bags, I disappeared and for nine years no one knew about me, to the point that I was declared dead.

Did you have a family?

– I was 35 years old, I was divorced and at the time I had a daughter. I was a producer of rock groups, a cultured and sophisticated man.

And where did you go?

– To Ibiza. While there in a bar I met a person who asked me what my name was and I told him it was ‘Ra’.

Yes, but couldn't you have called on the phone and said, “I'm leaving”?

– What was happening to me was not normal, I did not decide it voluntarily, it was like a kind of madness and when I appeared in Ibiza I began to distance myself from my previous life and become a savage.

How wild?

– For a year my house was a chair that I had placed on a tree. But at the same time I taught mathematics, history and French.

Being a madman who lived in a tree?

– The classes worked, the students learned, and I enjoyed the landscape and the stars on top of my tree; so I probably wasn’t be that crazy if things worked out. I realized that I was starting a new path and that I started relating to the world in a different way.

What do you mean?

– After two years I stopped working and lived without any money, roaming the hills of Ibiza, like a wild cat. But I didn't think about it, I just let myself go. That's when a friend offered me a dilapidated house.

And you didn't hesitate to settle in, I suppose?

– No, and there I lived a very curious experience: for eight days I fell into a trance and was penetrated by a presence that taught me something of immense value.

What is it about?

– It is about Human Design. I assure you that I was an atheist and a sceptic, but the revelation was so incredibly logical...

What does the theory consist of?

– There are four types or genetic models, human archetypes that express the biogenetic patterns that have been stamped inside each cell of our body at the moment of birth and at another prenatal moment.


–These archetypes determine our optimal behaviour, our relationships, health, sexuality and even the way we sleep, dream and breathe. Knowing what type you belong to, how and why you act in a certain way, and acting accordingly to that genetic imprint, is the way to live properly.

A kind of horoscope passed through science and mixed with neutrinos?

– At the University of California, a statistical study was carried out: four samples of more than 5,000 people, and they concluded that these four prototypes exist independently of race, sex or any cultural parameter.

What are those archetypes?

– The first division is between energetic and non-energetic. And within the energetic ones we have the Manifestors and the Generators. Manifestors are those individuals who are designed to act without asking and who get into a lot of trouble. The Generators work correctly based on responding.

And what does that mean?

– That if they try to respond before being asked or inquired by life, they make mistakes. 78% of people are energetic, 8% are Manifestors and the rest are Generators. We are left with the non-energy ones, who do not have the possibility of generating any type of project or situation, and who represent 20% of the population; and the reflectors, 1%.

What is the function of non-energetic ones?

–Understand the functioning of the energy types and giving them an exit route. Reflectors are those that do not have any definition in their design.


– This openness makes them perfectly capable of finding the pulse of a situation and realizing what is happening around them.

Once you know what type you belong to, what do you do with it?

- It is very simple. If, for example, you are a manifestor, the simple act of informing people about what you want to do, what your intentions are, causes a change in your life. And if you are a generator, simply stopping starting things and allowing life to come to you and propose the right thing, you will feel calmer.

You have it written on your forehead: “Love yourself.”

– Yes, I always wear this cap. The greatest lesson of Human Design is to learn to live according to your characteristics, because the true disease of humanity is not being oneself.

What do you live from?

– I give courses and conferences on Human Design. The gods have been very compassionate to a madman who hears voices in a ruin and financially my life is based on my participation in various international organizations that deal with Human Design. I have the only esoteric organization that is owned by someone and whose theories are studied in some universities.


Thanks, until next time,

A closer look at the design of Charlie Chaplin

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Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Human Design Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Personal Reflections of Dirk Nellens. This space is dedicated to sharing Human Design insights on our unique way of being, navigating life's energies, and finding harmony in the cosmic dance.