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Reflection on Manifestors. Neutrino Weather April 19-25. Jack Nicholson

This week is an ode to the Manifestor and we’re putting forward Jack Nicholson

The Neutrino weather for April 19th till 25th

This week offers us an opportunity to start reflection on the important changes that took place in the sky and are continuing to influence us: the movement of Pluto, Neptune and the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus. 

Reflection of the Week: Manifestors!

Manifestor types make up about nine percent of the human population. They have the potential to express energy in its rawest form. In terms of the Bodygraph, this can be seen in their relation to the motorized energy hubs: the Solar Plexus, the Heart/Ego and the Root. The Manifestor has an open Sacral Centre and, in addition, the capacity to bring one or more of these motorized energy hubs to manifestation in the Throat Centre through a direct, or indirect, linkage between them. 

In a Manifestor type, there is a doing, a capacity for action, that is in essence more direct than the Generator or Manifesting Generator type because the other three motors are not subject to the inhibiting response mechanism that characterizes the Sacral centre. The Manifestor type is therefore more impactful on its surroundings and invests the individual with an energy field that is closed in itself and ‘pushes’ others away. This is life’s way of assisting the natural orientation of this life force, geared towards manifestation and metabolization in the Throat Centre. Ra referred to it as “a repelling aura”.

When we look at the inherent qualities of the three motors that can define a Manifestor type, we get more insight into the orientation of this life force. The Root Centre is oriented towards a joyful and calm anchoring in life. The Ego Centre holds the power of heart coherence that comes from a deep ‘yes’ to a loving existence, allowing us to adapt to life’s challenges so that consciousness can flower. And the Solar Plexus is an information field that contributes to making us aware of the vast interconnectedness of life and the Spirit with which it is imbued. 

This shows us how the orientation of the Manifestor life force is towards ‘peace’: a peaceful manifestation of their energy and the pleasure and relaxation that accompany it. 

The key to attaining peace is their acknowledgment of their impact and their considering of others. An impactful display of energy unavoidably awakens resistance in other people within their field of activity. But things don’t necessarily have to happen in a way that creates resistance to their impactful stance in life. Their natural inclination towards the qualities of the three motors and particularly towards the awareness of the interrelatedness of life, helps them understand the need for informing others in their lives. Informing people within their field about their true intentions can reduce resistance and allow a Manifestor a more peaceful display of their energy. 

So, accompanying their energetic display with ‘information’ and the consideration of their impact on others shows people within their field that they are being considered, which reduces resistance and the tendency in others to try and control the Manifestor type. It thus softens or avoids a possible backlash which will obstruct their peaceful orientation. 

For the Manifestor type, getting lost in repetitive ‘doing’ instead of impactfully manifesting in tune with their life force can be a draining experience. Given their Sacral receptivity, they are designed to observe how their mind can trick them into not knowing when enough is enough. Not seeing this tends to lock them into a ‘doing’ frenzy that is not in resonance with the orientation of their life force. In terms of the other side of conditioning, Sacral receptivity can also suck vitality out of their life force, bringing about a feeling of energetic implosion where their true impact is rarely accessed or experienced. 

When a Manifestor does not live in tune with the impactful orientation of their life force and the accompanying information strategy, it creates a resistance field that awakens anger. Anger can be a tool for learning about themselves and serve as an alchemical force for growth in awareness. It is a strength, in disguise, that can bring them to their natural orientation towards peace.

Jack Nicholson is celebrating his 87th birthday

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Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Human Design Reflector's Reflections with Dirk Nellens
Personal Reflections of Dirk Nellens. This space is dedicated to sharing Human Design insights on our unique way of being, navigating life's energies, and finding harmony in the cosmic dance.